Wiki Signature on hcfa


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I was wondering how other offices sign the HCFA forms for the claims that our nonelectronic. Can you use your name or can you sign your name and the doctors name. Is it permissible to use a stamp that is created with the doctor's signature for some insurance carriers.


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Most carriers do not require a written signature on the paper claim. The typed name of Provider is enough. RailRoad Medicare and US Dept of Labor are the only carriers that I'm finding that randomly want an ink signature on paper claims. Customer Service Reps at both places have said it's ok to just put my own signature, as billing representative for that Provider. I send all the paper claims to those carriers and 1 or 2 will come back saying they need a signature. Contact the insurances your having trouble with and see what they recommend.

For carriers that require signature/name stamps, we use our own name rather than the rendering physician. We've never run across a payor that required a signature by the actual provider.