Wiki Situation: Question about dx code


Milltown, IN
Best answers
We had a patient come to our UCC facility because of his gums were slowing bleeding after dental care. The reason his gums were bleeding is because of the blood thinner he takes due to heart disease. We coded the visit: 523.40(Chronic Periodontitis) however insurance denied this because it was a dental dx. Can anyone give me a suggestion of what they think it should have been coded in the first place?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!! :eek:
I thought about 286.5, BUT when I read the coding clinic this is what I found:

Bleeding in a patient who is being treated with Coumadin, heparin, or another anticoagulant does not indicate that a hemorrhagic disorder due to intrinsic circulating anticoagulant is present. In this situation, a code for the condition and associated hemorrhage is assigned, with an additional code of E934.2, Anticoagulants, to indicate the responsible medication. Code 286.5 is not assigned unless the physician specifically documents a diagnosis of hemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants.

Hope this helps!