Wiki South Carolina Canceled


Local Chapter Officer
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This is ridiculous I cannot go to Denver, which was why I chose Charleston, SC. I cannot afford $275 a night nor can I just join virtually that does not cut the mustard. You are not paying for my flight that I paid for. I am so over paying higher memberships fees every year and not getting my money's worth.
I'm sorry to hear this. I hadn't registered yet but was contemplating going to South Carolina. How were you informed it was cancelled. They should have an announcement on the website.
I am open to another option for the Teach the Teacher requirement. Toastmasters is out at this point in time. Is there a way to make the teach the teacher a zoom option with group breakout meetings? What are the alternatives to getting the required CTUs? Flying on to Denver and being in a crowd of people is still not a good, safe option.

There is an online alternative for completing the CTUs. I just called AAPC (800-626-2633) and signed up from a list of online courses that are worth 2 CTUs each x 4 to complete this year's requirement.
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I am open to another option for the Teach the Teacher requirement. Toastmasters is out at this point in time. Is there a way to make the teach the teacher a zoom option with group breakout meetings? What are the alternatives to getting the required CTUs? Flying on to Denver and being in a crowd of people is still not a good, safe option.

There is an online alternative for completing the CTUs. I just called AAPC (800-626-2633) and signed up from a list of online courses that are worth 2 CTUs each x 4 to complete this year's requirement.

Mary Johnston - can you share with me the CTU information? I need those too. You can post here or email me directly -
This is ridiculous I cannot go to Denver, which was why I chose Charleston, SC. I cannot afford $275 a night nor can I just join virtually that does not cut the mustard. You are not paying for my flight that I paid for. I am so over paying higher memberships fees every year and not getting my money's worth.
So...that’s what I was actually trying to figure out. What exactly is included in the Healthcon registration fee? Just the CEUs and the food that they give you at the conference? No hotel? I was considering attending in SC and would consider other places if the registration includes the hotel fare. It’s been so long since I’ve been to one (back when they had state conferences, lol) I really don’t remember.
Haven't heard anything about the 2021 Charleston Regional Conference being cancelled. I've not had the chance to attend a Regional but at National, the registration fee covers the educational events during the conference; meals are usually sponsored by the vendors. Hotel and travel is not part of the registration fee.
Where is the source of this "cancelation" - there is nothing anywhere that I can find. It appears to be going on, full steam ahead.