Wiki spider bite


When you are looking for the code Insect/ Tic/ Spider bite or sting then we're coding like,

1> If bite is nonvenomous then consider superficial injury series code as 910 - 919 plus the 4th digit 4 or 5 as per documentation plus the external cause code as per ICD 9 CM,

Index of external causes --> Bite Spider (nonvenomous) --> E906.4

2> If bite is venomous then consider ICD code as 989.5 (Index of diseases --> Sting --> 989.5) plus as per documentation the external cause code as per ICD 9 CM,

Index of external causes --> Bite Spider (venomous) --> E905.1

Please note that, E906 is the series for nonvenomous while E905 is for venomous bite.

Hope this helps! :)
