Wiki Spine Surgery


Woodhaven, MI.
Best answers
Does Anyone have any thoughts on how to code this? I am completely lost. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Preoperative Diagnosis:
1. Compartment syndrome paraspinal
Postoperative Diagnosis: same as above
1. Stryker compartment measuring
2. Fascia compartment release left and right dorsal paraspinal muscle
3. Debridement of dead muscle (deep)
4. Woundvac placmeent


The patient was brought into the Operating Room and upon reaching the
Operating Room, the patient underwent general anesthesia without any
Next, I identified the skin marking and a time out was performed. The
patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Antibiotics
were present. DVT prophylaxis were present.
We checked compartment pressure. The left was 90 mmhg and 85 mg while diastolic pressure was 75 mmhg.
The right was 40 and 35 mm Hg.
Next, the skin was incised. Two paraspinal incision were made. The left we got the fascia. We released the fascia and the muscle did swell somewhat. We kept releasing fascia till we were confident the muscle was released. We check the muscle, the deep muscles seemed necrotic so we debrided the dead tissue.
Next we di the same on the right. The musce was more pale and white and did not contract. We did not have much swelling of the muscle. We debrided deep any dead muscle.
We irrigated then placed a woundvac over the two wounds,
We will re look at the muscle in 3-5 days with wound vac change and possible closure.
I'm not a strong coder when it comes to the spine but this is how I would code your procedure:

Stryker Compartment Measuring - 20950
Paraspinal fascia compartment release and muscle debridement - 22899-50*
Wound Vac Placement - 97605 or 97606 depending on the size of the wound.

*I don't think there is a code for what your provider is doing. I'm thinking you're going to have to use an unlisted code. I'm not really sure what code this could be compared to...maybe 27057?

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?