Wiki Stage ii reconstruction following subtotal auriculectomy


Estero, FL
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Harvest conchal graft, creation of subcutaneous tunnel?

The left conchal cartlilage was harvested. The resulting defect 5.2 x3.5 cm. A two layer closure was performed of the defect. Application of apposing anterior and posterior dental roll pressure dressing was made to prevent hematoma.
Creation of subcutaneous tunnel in the previousle resected superior right auricle helix via a 2.1 cm incision adjacent to the excisting superior end of the excisiting postero-lateral auricular helix and the subcutaneous superiorly curvlinlear convex dissection of a distance of 4.1 cm. Mustarde type suturing of the free conchal cartilage graft to develop a curvlinear 3/4 funnel development in the cartilage. This free conchal cartilage graft was placed inside the tunnel above. A complex closure of the above was performed with full undermining. Recreation of the right conchal cavum and right external auditory meatus was effected by surgically dividing the posterior right tragus from the posterior rising conchal wall + reduction and debulking of the right tragus + excision of the redundant overlying skin, postero-inferiorly based tragal skin flap closure of the tragal cutaneous wound. Then closed in two layers. This was followed by a temporary stent within the neo cavum and meatus.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. The only code I have been able to come up with is the graft 21235.

Would this be considered a plastics procedure?