Wiki Status Indicators 2017

Fresno, CA
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Can status indicator T be paid with a status indicator J1?

36820 SI-T
37607 SI-T
37246 SI-J1

Sometimes we receive payment for all 3 codes and other time for just 1 code and it's always the T code.
The payment for codes with status T will be packaged with the payment rate for the J1 code that falls under the comprehensive APC. This is an all-inclusive rate so the status T codes are paid - it's just that you may not see a separate payment on the individual line items. This is a Medicare payment methodology - your non-Medicare payers may or may not follow this payment method so you might see payment on all codes depending on your contracts. Also, Medicare payers may sometimes allocate the payment on all lines even though the pricing is based on the J1 APC rate.