Wiki Stress Test S&I


Southbury, CT
Best answers
In a nonfacility setting can one physician charge for a stress test supervision and another physician in the same practice for the interpretation? Or is everything included in 93015 regardless of what physician read the report?
If you mean in the office setting, then the supervising physician codes 93016 and 93017 and the interping physician providing the report codes 93018

93015 complete
93016 supervision, only
93017 technical, tracing
93018 interp and report
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but since this service is global since they own the equipment isn't everything included in one code as opposed to doing in a hospital where it can be separated out?
I had a typo in my previous post and have corrected

Yes, the 93016, 93017 and 93018 are all components of the 93015 so you can't code either of those 3 with the 93015

But you code under the physician that performed that service. Each physician wants his workload and reimbursement for the work he performed. But you still have to capture all 3 components of the 93015

One Physician

Split between 2 Docs
Doc A
93016 supervision, only
93017 tracing

Doc B
93018 interp and report, only

One Physician
93016 and 93018

Split between 2 Docs
Doc A
93016 supervision, only

Doc B
93018 interp and report, only
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