Wiki Stumped on a modifer for 96372


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we are billing a 99335, 96372 and J342. Domicilliary visit with a B12 injection. I have put a modifier 25 on the E & M but it's failing stating that the 96372 has an unbundled relationship with the 99335. When I put those codes in coder light it directs me to use a modifier on the 96372. What modifier am I to use? :confused:
Thank you, Susan
you should be ok

the 25 is on the 99335? the injection code should be fine the j code looks like your missing a number but if those are your only 3 codes the injection code shouldn't need any mod. ;) hope this helps
If the injection was the reason for the visit you shouldn't bill the E&M. If its significant separately identifiable service you can add 59 to the injection code.