Wiki suicide attempt not drug related need icd9 code


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Pt admitted to ER for attempting suicide by jumping off a bridge. Psych consult has a 1:1 sitter with pt. Pt now states that he's glad he was saved. However, he will be admitted into Psych once he is physically able. I coded the initial consult now I need to code the subsequental visit but the doctor only puts "suicidal Idealation" as the diagnosis. I could use suicide attempt but I'm not sure which code to use. Please help as soon as possible!!!
Thank you!!
Not sure if you already have another code lined up to use as primary? E codes should not be used as primary diagnoses. Could you use any sort of symptoms first (eg, depression)??

I used 300.9 in this case. Thank you for all your input!
Did the patient have any injuries from jumping off the bridge? I would code the injury primary, attempt secondary, E code third. But, just my opinion.