Wiki surgery coding help


Rocky Mount, MO
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How would the following be coded?

Cyst left third digit continuous with distal IPJ left third digit.

Cyst left third digit continuous with distal IPJ left third digit.

Arthroplasty with biopsy of cyst and bone biopsy left third middle phalanx.

IV sedation, local anesthetic block.
HEMOSTASIS: Ankle tourniquet 225 mmHg.
INJECTABLES: 0.5% Marcaine, 1% lidocaine plain.
CONDITION: The patient was stable.

The patient had recurrent cyst formation on the distal IPJ of the left third digit which did not resolve with conservative treatment. The patient has elected to have surgical resection of this in an attempt to relieve the patient of her symptoms, as well as confirm a diagnosis.

Under mild sedation the patient was brought to the Operating Room and placed on the operating room table in the supine position. Following IV sedation, local anesthetic block consisting of 0.5% Marcaine with 1% lidocaine plain was administered to the patient's left third digit. The patient's leg was scrubbed, prepped and draped in the usual aseptic manner. The patient's leg was elevated at 60 degrees for hemostasis, exsanguinated using an Esmarch bandage, at which time the pneumatic tourniquet was inflated to 225 mmHg.

Two semi-elliptical incisions were made in the transverse plane of the patient's third digit in the area of the distal IPJ third digit. Two semi-elliptical incisions were around the apparent glomus tumor, or cystic lesion on the distal IPJ. These two incisions connected and we gently removed this entire skin island from the wound en toto and sent it to pathology. At this time gently released the soft tissues around the distal IPJ, as well as performed a tenotomy of the extensor tendon and reflected the proximal one and used the sagittal saw to resect the head of the middle phalanx from the wound en toto. This, too, was sent to pathology. At this time I flushed the wound with copious amounts of sterile saline. There was no evidence of any infection, nor any abnormal tissue at this time and therefore I re-coapted the tendon using a 3-0 Vicryl in simple interrupted fashion and the skin closure was performed using 3-0 nylon in a simple interrupted fashion. The incision was injected with 2 mL of 0.5% Marcaine plain, dressed with Adaptic 4x4, Kling, Kerlix and Ace wrap. The pneumatic tourniquet deflated and a hyperemic response to all digits of the patient's left foot.

The patient tolerated the procedure and the anesthesia well without any complications, transported back to the Recovery Room with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot.

The patient was given instructions to keep the dressing clean, dry and intact, weightbear as tolerated in the surgical shoe, take pain medication as directed. Follow up in my office on Monday for postoperative check and re-evaluation and further recommendations.
28054 (Arthrotomy with biopsy; interphangeal joint)
28234 ( Tenotomy, open, extensor, foot or toe, each tendon) with modifier -59.

The reason I say modifier -59 is because code 28234 is a component of 28054 and can be overridden with modifier -59 if the procedure was distinct and beyond and above from the primary procedure.

Hope this helps..:)
Looking at this again, this will be a correction :

28234 (Tenotomy, open, extensor, foot or toe, each tendon) is a component of codes 28054 (Arthtotomy with biopsy; interphalangeal joint) and 28153 (Resection, condyle(s), distal end of phalanx, each toe)

So instead of using 28234, I will use:

28153 adn 28054 with modifier -59.

If you come up with something else missing, please let me know..:)