Wiki Sutures..


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
Procedure: vaginal exploration: removal of right sacrospinosu suspension sutre.

At this point, she was given an excellent general anesthetic by LMA. We placed her in the dorsal lithotomy position utilizing candy-can stirrups, A standar prep and drape was accomplished. Once this was completed, we utilized Heaney retractors, we were able to identify both suspension sutrues and at this point, the left suspension suture was very easy to identify: the right side which was the involved suture was difficult to identify and that it was tenting up the vaginal mucosa. We were able to secure the free end of the suture with a tonsil clamp. We sued to utilize this for traction, so that we could see the knot, one limb of the suture was cut with a 15-blade knife and the entire suture was removed. The procedure was terminated. The patient awaken.

Anybody work a case like this?
