Wiki Taking a coding class and need help, please.


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Hi everyone. I'd really appreciate is someone could help me. In my Next Step Advanced Coding textbook, we are on the Pathology & Laboratory chapter and the case I am stuck on is:

A confirmation of the drug screen is conducted when Martin's tests come back positive for cocaine.

I have the Service Code as : 80102

ICD-10-CM Dx: F14.90

ICD-9-CM Dx: 305.60

Is this correct? Thank you for any help. :)

Hi everyone. I'd really appreciate is someone could help me. In my Next Step Advanced Coding textbook, we are on the Pathology & Laboratory chapter and the case I am stuck on is:

A confirmation of the drug screen is conducted when Martin's tests come back positive for cocaine.

I have the Service Code as : 80102

ICD-10-CM Dx: F14.90

ICD-9-CM Dx: 305.60

Is this correct? Thank you for any help. :)

I would not use those codes without provider documentation that the patient is a cocaine user or abuser. Having a positive drug screen is not the same thing. If the patient had no symptoms and it was ordered as a screening, then I would use Z04.8 which is where the alpha takes you for drug screen. It is a first listed only code. Unfortunately there us no exact duplicate for this code in ICD-9 but the suggested code is V68.2. I would hesitate to pin that designation to a patient without further information. The text book however may agree with your picks, however you coded cocaine abuse in ICD-9 but cocaine use in ICD-10. If the patient abuses cocaine now then it will be abuse with ICD-10.
Thank you

Thank you very much for the help. The class is completely online and it takes the professor days to respond so I rarely get feedback to a question in time to take an exam. I really appreciate the feedback and the explanation.
