Wiki Talking to your physician's


True Blue
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So i just took over coding a service and a few months ago i meet with all the physician's about documentation and coding. I thought all went well for the most part. Well there is this one doctor who comes to clinic once or twice a month, it was very hard for me to catch him but i finally did and for a while his documentation was great but then seemed to slack off a little then once was comfortable went right back to where we started from. I don't see these doctor's everyday since i am not located in the building with them so it may take several days/weeks before i can find them and approach them with these issues. I have several articles for him regarding billing,coding and documention but just wanted a little advise on how should i approach him. I can't just walk up and say "Hey, didn't i tell you that was wrong, why are you doing it again ?" That may work with my 4 year old son but not a doctor :D
One thing at a time

One approach I've found helpful ... stick to one QUICK bullet point at a time and start with somthing along the lines of "I thought I might be able to help you ensure proper reimbursement for the services your provide... if you added xxxx (whatever documentation is missing) it would really help our denials process." (Notice I didn't say HIGHER reimbursement, but PROPER reimbursement.)

Repeat as needed.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Since you say you have some articles, I would suggest asking him for his email address and if he would read the articles at his convenience. He may be rushed when you see him, but he MAY (note I say may) take time to read them as he has time. May not be ideal, but better than nothing. After he reads he may have a better understanding of what you need between what you have told him and the articles. Just a thought! Tessa's "one thing at a time" while speaking with him is a great suggestion also!
Hello I agree with the previous post, if you have articles you can email them to the physican with a little note attached. I have one doctor that bielieves that every thing he documents is written in stone. i have a hard time trying to explain to him that documentation is the key. and that with the proper documentation the less denials we will recieve and have to appeal. the other doctors always come to me and ask my assistance, and i have talked to each one of them seperately, never in a group because they are all so hard to catch up with all at one time. then i will send them a group email on new things, especially with medicare and doing away the consultations. they seem to be okay for know and they do come to me and ask me at times hows my documentation La Tanya and my reply would be..and I would say so far so good, keep up the good work. I work for some pretty good physicians. they are willing to hear what I have to say. I must say I have lucked up.. this time.