Wiki Telehealth-CPT Q3014


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I work for a Telehealth office. I bill for professional as well as facility, I've been having issues with the facility code Q3014 for awhile now. I use the GT modifier with the code Q3014. For rendering provider I've been putting in the facility name. Am I suppose to put the provider name? Would that work for Medicare and Medicaid? Thanks in
If you're speaking of telehealth outside of COVID usage, then what you said seems confusing. But you said you work for "a telehealth office", so I'm going with regular telehealth before virus.

You have the originating site where the patient is located (not their home), and the remote site where the physician is located.

The originating site (patient location) bills Q3014, with a POS that matches the site (for example, pos 11 for office), or pos 02, depending on payer preference.

The provider bills for the office visit with POS 02. They don't bill for the facility (this is where I got confused because the facility and the provider are not in the same location yet you said you bill for both).

Medicare stopped using QT modifier when POS 02 came about.

Here is more information.

If you're speaking instead about telehealth during virus, that is entirely different and there doesn't have to be an originating site and a remote site.