Wiki Telehealth/Telemedicine

Fort Worth, TX
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Hello fellow coders and billers,

Is there anyone out there who has experience with coding for and billing telehealth/telemedicine visits, procedures or equipment? Or does anyone know of any courses being offered anywhere? Any information would do!

Thank you all so much!
Looks like no one replied to this post 5 years ago, but wondering if anyone is ready to reply now. :eek:

I've read the Medicare Learning Matters info on Telemedicine and have googled trying to get some clearer information. But, we are at a loss for determining when we can bill for telemedicine and when we can. The clinic and provider are in Alaska. Much of Alaska is rural, and most of Alaska is medically underserved. However, I am not sure that it is appropriate in the instances I am coming across and need to have documentation to support the medical necessity of the telemedicine method of rendering healthcare or to support my belief that face-to-face services should be provided and billed.

Thank you for any help that anyone can provide!

Karen Hill, CPC, CPMA
This may lead you to some answers

Hi Karen,
I hope someone responds to you. I have since moved away from that area of interest. However I did do some research back then and still have access to the information. I will attach some of it; maybe it will help lead you to some answers.
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