Wiki telehealth that turns into a face to face encounter


Grand Isle, VT
Best answers
We have a physician working from home doing telehealth only, occasionally he'll advise a patient to come into the office to see one of the providers for the issue they talk about. Can we still bill his telehealth visit or would we just bill the office visit? I've been searching the CMS site trying to find the answer but haven't had any luck. I thought I read somewhere when Covid started that we couldn't bill for the telehealth visit if it turned into an office visit within a certain amount of time, but I can't find it now. Thank you!
Could yo be referring to the telephone services ? Pls see attached. As far as billing for both..., unless they are being seen by two different specialties, I wouldn't bill for both, but off course, it's up to you. . One telehealth and one face -to- face. This could be a judgement call between telehealth and face- to -face. I have never seen a combination filed. They can't have two E/M for the same specialty in one day unless, there is a medical necessity for the second visit.


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No, it isn't for a phone call, it's a telehealth visit that our doctor is doing, but there's been a few times he'll advise the patient they should have someone in the office see them in person so they'll come in for an office appointment a day or two after the telehealth visit to be seen by one of our other providers.