Wiki Testosterone testing

Can 84402 and 84403 be billed together?
  • A total testosterone test CPT 84403measures free testosterone and testosterone that's attached to proteins. This is the most common type of test.
  • A free testosterone test CPT 84402 measures only the "active" form of testosterone. This test is less common, but it may be useful for diagnosing certain medical conditions. They need to be a few days apart but if link certain dx codes to each one for why provider checking it should help. Common dx are E29 ,C61, N52 , D25, C68, C62, Z31, Z11 Z14 E25 and E30 blocks just to name a few. However, each gender has testosterone ; females have just lot less. The level are determined with age of usually male patient. Since checking without dx reasoning given for you to see, pull those dx codes to help get a sense why CPT 84402 & 84403 billed.
  • I hope this data helps you
  • Lady T
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