Wiki Thank you Alan Pechacek, M.D.


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
Since coders don't have a medical degree, it can be challenging to code certain procedures.

I have noticed that you have helped several coders, including me, answering questions.

On behalf of all coders that you have responded to thank you so much for your time and effort. I know your answers are really helping those of us who code and want to get the most for the physicians we work with.
Yes I agree totally! The Dr has helped me as well by responding to my question. I have gone back through his threads as well since they are such a great resource. A BIG thank you to Alan Pechacek MD!
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100% agreed. I have zero experience in ortho, but your answers to questions are so well thought out and informative that I always make sure to read them because I always learn something. You're an excellent resource - thank you!
You are all very welcome. I sincerely want to help Coders, Orthopedic in particular since I am a retired Orthopedic Surgeon who had to learn coding on my own when there were no Professional Coders, or anything else to learn from. I try hard to provide thorough and complete answers and information to your queries. Sometimes they get pretty lengthy, but I feel that is necessary to fully explain the situation at hand, and leave as little room as possible for misinterpretation and confusion. I really do enjoy participating in the Forums as I find them interesting and challenging. Thank all of you for your support. I really appreciate it. I will continue to try helping whenever I think I can.

Sincerely, Alan Pechacek, M.D.
I agree! You always explain your answers to get us thinking in the right direction. Ortho can be very challenging! Thank you!
Kudos to Dr. Pechacek

I haven't actually asked a direct question to the good doctor, but I am a radiology coder and desperately need his thorough descriptions to try to match what my rads are documenting. ICD-10 makes it difficult to find codes when documentation is only what is documented in the report. I probably should have gone into ortho coding because I love bone work, but I am nearing the end of my career, so no changes now. I do greatly appreciate all of the information Dr. Pechacek has offered and have even copied & pasted segments in case I need to show proof at an audit.

Many thanks!
Amy Meyers, CPC