Wiki Transvaginal/Transabdominal ultrasound

Reynoldsville, PA
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We offer ultrasounds to our patients in our OB/GYN office. Often, the ultrasound techs will perform a transabdominal ultrasound before performing a transvaginal ultrasound. Are we able to bill for both? And are there any requirements for billing both? (certain number of images, certain level of exam).
We bill 76856 and then 76830 when the tech performs both u/s with a 59 modifier. Keep in mind that payers may reduce one of the charges when billed together. We have had no issues with billing these and have been doing them for over a year now. We just document document document in case medical records are requested.
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We bill 76856 and then 76830 when the tech performs both u/s. Keep in mind that payers may reduce one of the charges when billed together. We have had no issues with billing these and have been doing them for over a year now. We just document document document in case medical records are requested.

76856 and 76830 are non-obstetrical. You need codes from 76801-76828 if your patient is pregnant.