Wiki Tricare, skin cancer screening


Bronx, NY
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Looking at Tricares website, it says below:

TRICARE covers skin cancer exams for individuals:

with a family or personal history of skin cancer,
increased occupational or recreational exposure to sunlight, or
clinical evidence of precursor lesions.

My question is does this insurance automatically denies the v skin cancer screening codes if the patient has no family or personal history of skin cancer?

Is there like a V code for patients who are always exposed to sunlight to demonstrate risk? I know there's a E-Code for E926.2 "exposure to visible and ultraviolet light sources".... not sure if that includes the Sun, and I know these codes are supplemental to report cause of external injuries so i don't think it can be use as a code to demonstrate risks for skin cancer especially when they didn't come in with any injuries.

We don't actually take tricare but I'm suggesting it to my boss to possibly bring in more patients to the practice.

I also want to ask, does anyone here have good or bad experiences with tricare?
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