Wiki Tricky Global Maternity Scenario - HELP!!!


Whitewood, SD
Best answers
Your help is greatly appreciated!

Please advise the proper and acceptable way to bill this.

Patient saw one OB/GYN for entire pregnancy, no other provider provided care. Patient was uninsured for majority of her pregnancy. Insurance became effective 23 days prior to her normal vaginal delivery. She was seen for 7 antepartum visits prior to insurance becoming effective. She was seen for 3 visits plus her delivery and postpartum care while insured.

Since CPT does not specify a minimum number of visits for 59400 global care for entire obstetric care, delivery and postpartum, would it be acceptable to bill 59400


Should the care be split up as 59426 ? billable to patient as she was uninsured, then 3 separate E/M visits billed to insurance and 59410 for vaginal delivery with postpartum care.

Thank you in advance for your time in regards to this matter.

Lorrae, CPC
It's not incorrect to bill a global OB to the new insurance, but I'd recommend contacting the payer first to see how they prefer you to bill out the OB care in this situation. Some will be fine with paying the whole global. Some will want you to separate out the care.

If you bill a global code to the carrier, be sure you verify that the carrier doesn't prorate reimbursement without you being aware of it. Aetna tends to do that, and if your payment poster isn't on his/her toes, a portion of that billing could be adjusted off in error.