Wiki tumor resection with nerve decompression


Oklahoma City, OK
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I am trying to locate information in writing if it is appropriate to bill for a nerve decompression along with a brain tumor resection. I have one person saying that it is additional work and that we should be billing the additional code and I have another that is saying that it is part of the tumor resection and we should not be billing an additional code possibly a modifier 22 but not an additional code. there is no documentation of issues with the nerve compression just that the tumor embedded the nerve in the operative report. Either way I need written documentation to support whether it is or is not appropriate to bill the additional code. Does anyone know where any information can be located?
The nerve decompression would be incidental to the tumor removed. If debulking the tumor happens to decompress the nerve then you cant bill any extra work.
where is the documentation to support this, I agree but know without documentation I will not be able to convince the provider to change his stance.