Wiki type of suture for complex repair or intermediate


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
In surgery:
Graft sutured in place using 4-0 chromic sutures to tie down edges .
Xeroform and cotton was sutured using 2-0 silk sutures.
A biopsy was taken and 2 marking stitches for anterior and superior were used.
Split thickness graft harvested with several incisions.
The donor site was dressed in a sterile fashion and the leg tucked back.
The graft was taken from the leg and put in oral cavity for squamous cell carcinoma.
Wide local excision and reconstruction of floor of mouth using a split thickness graft. I see this is 15120.
Question #1: Is this complex or intermediate repair? 131xx or 120xx?
Question #2: Is repair coded to donor or recipient site?
thank you