Wiki Ulnohumeral arthroplasty

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Operation detail: Following induction of adequate anesthesia the usual prep and drape ensued. Attention was directed to the usual supine position with the arm up over a sterile Mayo. Limb was exsanguinated. A curvilinear incision was made on the posterior aspect of the elbow. The ulnar nerve was very gently dissected out of harm's way during the dissection. The posterior aspect of the elbow joint was identified after moving the triceps to the radial side without any disruption whatsoever. Multiple loose bodies were removed the olecranon fossa was cleaned out with an osteotome. The central bone was removed from the olecranon fossa the anterior elbow joint was palpated copiously irrigated and loose bodies were removed without difficulty. Gelfoam was placed in the defect 0 Vicryl, 2-0 Vicryl, 4-0 Vicryl were used to close the layers. A bulky compressive bandage was applied.

Physician codes this as a membrane arthroplasty 24360, I coded it as an unlisted because gelfoam isn't considered a membrane. Also, could be coded as 24140 partial excision of the humerus...... anyone have any thoughts on this?
It won't be 24360 because the provider didn't use a graft like fascia lata, dermis, or Achilles tendon to resurface the articular surface of the arthritic elbow.

Was there any sign of infection in the elbow?