Wiki Ultrasonic giudance fro needle placement 76942


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Does anyone know how to bill the ultrasonic guidance for needle placement bilaterally? The sports medicine doctor I work for will use US guidance for carpal tunnel injections (20526). The injection with a 50 modifier will get paid but the only one or the US guidance is paid, the other 76942 is denied. The system we use won't let us use a 50 on the 76942 so I have tried LT and RT. Any suggestions? Would a 76 modifier be appropriate?
20526 has an MUE of 1, so you'd have to use the 50 mod and 1 unit.

76942 also has an MUE of 1, so agan, you'd use the 50 mod 1 unit. The payment will not be 150%; the payment for the two sides is the lower of either the total actual charge for both sides or 100% of the fee schedule amount for a single code. So let's say you bill $150 for this line and the fee schedule amount is $75, you'll get paid $75 as it's the lower amount (between $150 and $75).