Wiki ultrasounds


Uncasville, CT
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hey there,

I just wanted to double check if our provider initiates an ultrasound but cannot visibly find our see what they are looking for due to adhesions etc, etc, and they get referred out for a more in depth ultrasound can I can still bill for it and without a 53? I assume I can, but just wanted to double check. Thanks!
I do not think -53 would be appropriate for an ultrasound that was completely performed and read, but for various reasons didn't give the clinical information needed. As long as the documentation explains this, I would bill without -53.
In our practice, occasionally we have a patient that is unable to tolerate a vaginal probe. In a situation like that, -53 may be warranted if they were able to get at least 1 view and procedure was discontinued due to patient discomfort. In a situation where we were trying to evaluate an ovarian cyst, but the patient had excessive gas or something that otherwise precluded a good view, I would still bill the full 76830.