Wiki Unable to obtain review of systems

Wahoo, NE
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Inpatient consultation - When a provider is unable to obtain a ROS and documents why but doesn't say anything about trying to get it from other sources, can I still give credit for a comprehensive history if all the other elements are there? Or would this be a detailed history with just 2 ROS for the urinary (voiding) and psych (confusion)? I would give this a detailed history.

A 67 y.o. male admitted for altered mental status with hx of cirrhosis, hep C, encephalopathy who traumatically removed his catheter early this morning. Nursing noted a small amount of blood at the meatus but reports the patient has been voiding. Platelets noted to be 73, INR 2.2. The patient is confused and cannot provide urologic history at this time.

Review of Systems
Unable to perform ROS: Mental acuity

Past Medical History


Family History
Father, mother, brother healthy

Social History
Former smoker
Physical Exam
Constitutional: He is oriented to person, place, and time and well-developed, well-nourished, and in no distress. No distress.
Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic.
Eyes: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.
Neck: Neck supple.
Cardiovascular: Normal rate.
Pulmonary/Chest: Effort normal.
Abdominal: Soft. He exhibits no distension and no mass. There is no abdominal tenderness. There is no rebound and no guarding.
Genitourinary: Penis normal.
Genitourinary Comments: Blood at meatus
General: No tenderness or edema.
Neurological: He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time.
Skin: Skin is warm. He is not diaphoretic.
Psychiatric: Affect normal.
Nursing note and vitals reviewed.


Hematuria, traumatic Foley removal

-recommend observing urethral bleeding for now
-if continues or if patient is unable to urinate, replace foley
-follow hct
-please contact me for ongoing issues
10. When a physician performs an E/M service and the patient is not able to provide history, if the physician documents “patient in a coma,” “patient not able to respond,” “patient unresponsive,” can they count a comprehensive history?
When a physician performs an E/M service and is unable to obtain parts of the history component for that encounter, documentation should clearly reflect the components that were not obtained (HPI, ROS and/or PFSH). Documentation should also include why the components were not obtained (patient unresponsive, sedate on a vent, etc.), and attempts to obtain information from other sources; such as a family member, spouse, nurse, etc. When the Clinical Reviewers are reviewing documentation, it is reviewed in its entirety. If the documentation clearly supports that the patient is not able to provide the information necessary (history components) and attempts were made to obtain the history from other sources, a comprehensive history level may be credited.
There is nothing to indicate the provider tried to obtain a ROS elsewhere. They managed to obtain a PFSH without much trouble and also the physical exam states 'oriented to person, place and time' which is a bit of a contradiction to 'unable to perform ROS; Mental acuity.'