Wiki Unite Biomatrix


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Is anyone familiar with this product? It was used on a nonhealing wound as a skin replacement/substitute. The procedure says: "Preparation of wound bed and placement of Unite Biomatrix". The documentation for the product says it is a "biopcompatible, highly organized, non-reconstituted collagen mastrix derived from equine pericardium. The collagen dressing is decellularized...." I'm not sure if it would be coded as an acellular dermal replacement (15170) or a Xenograft (15400), or something else. Does anyone have any information or any thoughts on this. I really am stumped. Thanks in advance.
Dressing vs graft

I'm not familiar with this product but as per your question: The collagen dressing ... (emphasis by FTB)

I'd say this is a dressing and NOT a graft. So you definitely would NOT use 15170 or 15400

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC