Wiki Use of Modifier 53


Glendale, Arizona
Best answers
Can someone explain if Mod 53 would be appropriate in this situation?
The patient was ready for surgery. Anesthesia was started however the surgeon determined the patient was at risk(he was concerned about metastatic cancer) and decided to hold off on the surgery. He never even got to make the first cut. Can you bill anything at all? It was to be a Total Hip replacement. He obviously evaluated her to make this decision. I would appreciate any advice.

Thank you.
Depending on what the surgeon documented about his abort the procedure because of the metastatic cancer, you may be able to bill an E&M.
Mod 53

That's what I was thinking too KMCFADYEN. I guess according to the PA, doctor is just going to reschedule the procedure. I asked about the E/M for evaluating but he didn't really think I should:(

Thank you for your quick reply. It is much appreciated.