Wiki Using RT/LT vs. FA,F1,etc.....

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Is there any set rule when to use modifiers F1, F2 versus RT and LT when coding for the hand/fingers? Thanks.
I have a hand surgeon and the "F" modifiers are frequently used and paid without a hitch. As for RT/LT, I use these for carpal tunnel sugery (as an example) to denote which hand. If it's a bilateral procedure, it becomes carrier specific (in my case) and I use RT/LT or 50...whichever they prefer.
Basic rule: Code the greatest degree of specificity. I always interpreted that to include the F, T modifiers as well. When the information is available, I can find no logical reason to defer to more general modifiers (50, RT, etc).

I'm not sure this helps, but hope so.
I use the F and T modifier's for my fractures because if you are dealing with more that one digit the claim will probably deny as duplicate if you aren't more specific.
RT/LT versus F and T modifiers

So I could use an "F" modifier if say the Doc repairs fractures to the metacarpals of the left long and ring finger or the metacarpalphalangeal joints? This is where I get hung up. Thank you all for your help!!
So I could use an "F" modifier if say the Doc repairs fractures to the metacarpals of the left long and ring finger or the metacarpalphalangeal joints? This is where I get hung up. Thank you all for your help!!

Yes, you would use F2 and F3, i'm assuming the long finger is the middle finger ?