Wiki Vaporization of Prostate?


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My initial thought was to bill this with 52630 but it's throwing me off that the note states "No tissue was taken." I'm thinking maybe the doc meant no tissue was sent to pathology and there were no "chips" because he used electrocautery, but what do you think?

PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Cysto, dilation, and vaporization of the prostate.
DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: The scope was placed in the urethra with difficulty and there was a
prostatomembranous urethral stricture noted. At this time, we used the Heyman dilators. We placed the
guidewire into the bladder and started at 16-French and dilated up to 22-French using the Heyman dilators.
We then at this time used the resectoscope to look into the bladder and noted that there was some
regrowth of tissue of the prostate. Using the rollerball, we vaporized the prostate along the lateral lobes,
so the prostate forming the large aperture of the prostate. No tissue was taken. Once a large aperture
was noted and good hemostasis was obtained, we removed the scope and 22 3-way was placed to
continuous bladder irrigation and 10 mg of Lasix IV was given. We terminated the procedure and sent the
patient to PAR in stable condition.
You are correct in your coding. Just remember that a regrowth or after an initial this will be the code you use as code description is for residual or regrowth of obstructive prostate tissue. Also make note that if done within a global from the original vaporization to amend mod 78 if coding facility:)

Regrowth was vaporized.