Wiki Vein Procedures


White Bluff, TN
Best answers
I need assistance with he following vein procedures -

36468 - Single or multiple injections of sclerosing solutions, spider veins (telangiectasia); limb or trunk

36471 - Injection of sclerosing solution; multiple veins, same leg

vs or both coder for note below?

Summarized note -

Pre-procedure diaganosis - Spider telangeiectasias and venulectasias
Post-procedure diaganosis - Same

Site preped, 21 gage butterfly needle was used to access multiple venulectasias and reticular veins in the posterior thigh and calf. Polidocanol foam was successfully injected to treat these veins. 30 gauge needle used, polidocanol was used to treat red and purple telangiectasias in right thigh and calf. Pressure dessings placed.

Impression: Sclerotherapy of venulectasias and telangeiectasis in the right lower extermity.
Sclerotherapy for Reticular Veins

Can anyone tell me what code you would use for sclerotherapy of reticular veins? My provider and I have been out researching this and cannot find anything that states to use 36468 or 36470-36471. Could you use either for reticular veins?

Thank you,

Michelle Whitman
MSU HealthTeam