Wiki visit for hypertension


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patient comes in for follow-up for hypertension, has BP checked is re-evaluated by physician and is seeing how pt is responding to medication. Does this qualify for a 99214 or should you down code to a 99213. Not sure what exactly qualifies for a 99214 when patient is being re-evaluated for hypertension. Help please.
documentaion for hypertension

What guidelines are you talking about 1995 or 1997?

You need two out of three components combination of History,Exam and MDM for an established pt ( 1995 guidelines)

99213 you can have a EPF History,EPF exam
99214 you can have a Detailed History, detailed Exam.

I would think the physicans documentation would only fit a 99213 for a F/U
Thanks for clearing this up for me. That is what we charge is a 99213 when they come in just for a follow-up
patient comes in for follow-up for hypertension, has BP checked is re-evaluated by physician and is seeing how pt is responding to medication. Does this qualify for a 99214 or should you down code to a 99213. Not sure what exactly qualifies for a 99214 when patient is being re-evaluated for hypertension. Help please.


Is this the actual note word for word you have posted above. I would first have to ask is the HTN under control. I for one would definately need to see the "actual" note on this case before making a decision.

Just my 2 cents.