Wiki Walk and Talk Therapy-How to Bill?


Honolulu, HI
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I do billing for a LMHC and he is thinking about doing "Walk and Talk Therapy" with a group of clients at a park; does anyone know how to bill that? Would I use POS 99?

Thank you so much for any advice and guidance!
Hi Kdabis808:)
Check out pages 782 in the 2022 yr. CPT manual. LMH or LCSW can use CPT 90785 interactive psych therapy which can be billed with 90832-90835 and 90792 and 90791. However this interactive can be walking and talking on park bench setting or outside the office garden or patio . Ensure pt sign special consent or state in medical record for the day therapist got special permission pt. agreed to do this setting. Add in notations it is in park setting or doing a walk n talk for so many minutes to relax patient or do the forest bathing more relaxing setting to open up.
Also use some of the R45 dx if therapist add in notations worries, unhappiness, from the patient s feelings. This is in conjunction with the F32 or F41 dx codes or dx Z63 if applicable.

Does your therapist do phone calls or online Zoom telehealth with Est pt. on follow ups using the modifier 95 with CPT 90832-90834 ? They can use CPT 98966-98968 series of phone calls too. Ensure add minutes on record how long talk on each treatment date related to phone calls. MD, DO and NP can only use the CPT 99441- 99443 series for phone calls. This is just some extra data maybe interested in for your behavior health providers. I hope I helped you, did I?
Take Care
Lady T:)