Wiki what does one code?


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"Chondroplasty of medial and patellofemoral compartments and debridement with abrasion of avascular necrosis defect, lateral femoral condyle". Is this three codes?
I would only report 29879 for the abrasion of the avn defect assuming this is done arthroscopically. The chondroplasty of the medial & patellofemoral compartments would be reported with 29877, but 29877 is included in 29879 according to the CCI edit and the AAOS. 29879 has the higher rvu. Check out other answers. I would love to know what other people think.
Clara Therio CPC
I would code this (if arthroscopically) as 29879 for lateral compartment, G0289 for medial, G0289-59 for patellofemoral. Use separate diagnoses for each to show they are all in the different compartments. Most or all insurance companies recognize the G code (the G code is considered an add on code) instead of 29877 when billed with another procedure. Especially because 29877 is not billable with 29879. You want to get credit for all three compartments.