Wiki What is the correct Fertility Preservation Diagnosis Coding?


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Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I am hoping that I will get a response from this inquiry. We have a Fertility Preservation case where we have disagreements what diagnosis code to use. The patient is not undergoing any medical treatment but had an elective fertility preservation procedure. I was told to use for non cancer Z31.9 (encounter for procreative management, unspecified). I am leaning on the diagnosis Z31.84 (encounter for fertility preservation procedure) despite the patient is not under medical treatment that will affect her fertility. The Op-report states for pre and post op dx Fertility Preservation. I have found an article in American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) that says Z31.84 can be used for either case, either for medical reason or elective. Their point is that under the code notes of Z31.84 stating "Encounter for fertility preservation procedure prior to cancer therapy or prior to surgical removal of gonads", these are just examples. My question is should Z31.9 be used for non cancer cases and Z31.84 for cancer patients? I will really appreciate your feedback. Thank you in advance.
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