Wiki What is the inpatient equivalent to NCCI?


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What is the inpatient equivalent to the National Correct Coding Initiative edits? The CMS site advises that NCCI applies to Part B only. What are the name of the edits that apply to Part A - inpatient hospital?

There aren't any inpatient/Part A equivalents to NCCI. Inpatient hospital claims are paid based on DRGs which are determined by ICD-10 diagnosis and PCS codes and other factors such as patient age and length of stay. Since the claims are not coded with CPT codes and not reimbursed on a fee schedule, there are no corresponding coding or bundling edits. There are hospital NCCI edits, as per the post above, that apply to outpatient hospital claims - these are mostly the same as the physician NCCI edits and follow generally the same rules.
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Thanks for the clarification Thomas. I don't use that listing, so I've never known what they were for.