Wiki What modifiers do I need in this case?


Lindstrom, MN
Best answers
Hello all,

I'm wanting to make sure that I am correct in my thinking of what modifiers I would assign in this case, so I would love it if I could get your help! The patient had an E/M visit in the domiciliary setting, along with toenail debridement, cerumen impaction removal, and cryotherapy on a cutaneous horn.

The codes assigned are: 99337, 11721, 17000, and 69210. I know I need to append modifier 25 to the E/M visit. Would I also append modifier 51 to 17000 and 69210? I thought this would be appropriate because there were multiple procedures being done. Please let me know your thoughts!
Hi - For modifier 51, it's best to check with the payer. For instance, Medicare may tell you to leave it off because their systems will add it automatically if it's appropriate.