Wiki Which biopsy code?

Philadelphia, PA
Best answers
Which biopsy code do you think best describes the procedure below? 21550 or 32405?
Dr. refers to mass as "Chest" and also as "Mediastinum" in different areas of report.

CLINICAL HISTORY: 17-year-old female, newly diagnosed mediastinal
mass. Central line for chemo.


Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Biopsy: Limited ultrasound of the
left inferior posterolateral chest was performed to identify the
known mass and choose a site for insertion of the biopsy needle.
The skin overlying the site was marked. The skin of the left
chest was prepped and draped in sterile fashion and local
anesthesia using 0.2% ropivacaine was infused at the biopsy
insertion site. A small incision was made with a #10 blade. Using
ultrasound guidance a 17 G outer sheath was advanced into the
liver parenchyma and coaxially an 18 G 2.3 cm throw automated
biopsy gun was advanced into a relatively avascular area of the
mass not surrounded by fluid and 8 passes were performed. At
termination of the procedure the tract was embolized via the
outer sheath with Gelfoam under US guidance. The samples were
sent for pathological assessment. Submitted initial sample was
deemed adequate by the hematopathologist on call. A sterile
occlusive dressing was applied.

Tunneled Femoral PICC Placement:
Limited ultrasound of the right groin was
Cool...I wanted to go with 32405, and yes, the that you have also said so, i feel comfortable using 32405.
Thanks, and have a peaceful day.
Snowing where I am...Philadelphia,PA