Wiki Which codes for wound repair?


True Blue
Mims, Florida
Best answers
My surgeon performed laceration repairs under anesthesia for a little girl who put her arms through a glass window. She repaired an 8cm laceration on her left forearm, which appears to be a simple repair - nothing noted about irrigation or layered closure.

She also repaired 3 other lacerations on her right arm - One is 2cm and was jet irrigated then closed. Another was 1 cm, jet irrigated, a small ellipse of devitalized skin was excised and then closed. The 3rd was V shaped with a flap of skin which was viable, measured 10cm x 4 cm x 1cm. She states "there was 1 area where the defect went into the muscle and this was closed with 4-0 Vicryl suture. The wound was jet irrigated and closed with a combination of Insure stapling device and 4-0 chromic."

My question is what codes would you consider these repairs? Would you code intermediate for the 2cm and 1 cm wound? Would you consider the other laceration complicated (if only mentioned that one area without measurement of muscle involvement) or intermediate - and how would you total the length of a V shaped flap - the total of all sides? I am not sure if documentation of jet irrigation is enough information to show a grossly contaminated wound for intermediate repair without mention of layered closure.

Asked this in another forum but got no feedback and I really need to finalize this claim. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Jodi, after reading this I'm not sure of what length of the "muscle area" was done so I would code a simple repair on all the procedures as a 12006 for a total of 26cm. The irrigation and excision of the small devitalized tissue would be included in the repair. T
Hi Jodi, after reading this I'm not sure of what length of the "muscle area" was done so I would code a simple repair on all the procedures as a 12006 for a total of 26cm. The irrigation and excision of the small devitalized tissue would be included in the repair.
Thanks Jeff for you help.

I wasn't sure about the jet irrigation as my other doctors never stated it that way. I wasn't sure if that was something that was more involved and could be considered extensive cleaning or if it was just a simple irrigation.

Thanks again! :)
You could add 11040 of you have the documentation for it....Given it's glass there may have been some may go back and ask the doc