Wiki Why would L8642 (hallux implant) be billed with a cranial procedure?


Amelia, OH
Best answers
The HCPCS code L8642 for a hallux implant was billed with 61510 (removal of cranial lesion), +61781 (intra-operative work of stereotactic navigation for intradural cranial procedure), and +69990 (use of operating microscope). Since these are all cranial procedures (and no other work was done to any other body part) I'm wondering why the hallux implant was billed? I thought L8642 was an ortho code that would be used in the repair and/or reconstruction of the big toe. Was a mistake made here? (perhaps a code for cranial surgical mesh/filling should have been used) or does 'hallux' refer to something else other than the big toe? I'm a little confused.

HCPCS code L8642 falls under the category of hand and foot prosthetics, so would appear to be unrelated to a cranial surgery. As to why it was billed and whether or not it is an error or what other code might have been more appropriate, you would need to review the documentation and/or query the provider who submitted this.
HCPCS code L8642 falls under the category of hand and foot prosthetics, so would appear to be unrelated to a cranial surgery. As to why it was billed and whether or not it is an error or what other code might have been more appropriate, you would need to review the documentation and/or query the provider who submitted this.

Thanks, Thomas! I had to make sure I wasn't totally off mark about the ortho hand/foot code - I will query the provider