Wiki Wide local excision vs Vulvectomy; partial

Newport, VT
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I am new to coding, our doctor did a wide local excision removing 2 vulvar lesions. How do we know when to code 56620 Vulvectomy or benign lesion excision 11420 category? In this case I am thinking it would be the lesion excision as he does note the dimensions. It says, The total excised area was 3.5cmX2cm on one and 3cmX2cm on the other. Larger lesion of superior left labia majora and smaller of inferior left labia majora. If this is the case would I then add up this total and code just 11426 "excised diameter over 4.0cm? (And the closure sounds like simple, single suture in the subcutaneous tissue) Diagnosis as of now is just warty lesions of the vulva.
Thank you!
Reading the notes in the book, I see that I would not add the dimensions, but I would enter each separately. So the 3.5X2 would I pick 11424 (excised dimeter 3.1 to 4) and then the 3X2, 11423 (excised diameter 2.1to 3.0).
Or because these lesion were on the labia majora and part of it was removed with the lesions, 56620?