Wiki Witness Fee

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Good Morning,

I am curious, has anyone ever been suspended into a medical malpractice suit and criminal suit? I was and the attorney is calling asking what my professional fee is.
I have no idea at all what to say. I am perfectly happy doing it for free - it's coding….which I love. He said he had to pay me for the service.
What should I ask? It's a neurosurgeon provider being taken to court. What's fair?
I would say it depends on how many records or how much "stuff" you are having to code. I know a woman who did this as a side job and she was able to set her own prices (some where in the thousands[ for auditing 25 records a day for 2 weeks or something like that]) and no one batted an eye at that price. Just take into consideration how much time its going to take you to do it all and how complicated to codes will be. Maybe you could determine how many hours it would take you to do all the work, lets say it will take you 10 hours to do it all, then pick your "per hour pay". Maybe $20 per hour? So charge him like that.
Just a thought. Sorry couldnt be more help!
Both answers are great. I'm still in awe that they asked me. I feel confident in my abilities. I just never would have though. I don't know how many records, just the past three years worth of records that had anything to do with spinal tumor removals.
And wow, can I just say how embarrassed am I that I spell Subpoena wrong. Guess I need to take a little more time in posting.
Study up on Daubert challenges and be prepared to get grilled on your expertise, your foundation for your opinions, what makes you an "expert", how many of these have you done, what's your income from these type opinions, etc....I have done multiple cases and the last couple have gotten intense as plaintiff's counsel does not like my expert opinions, even though I am right....not for the faint hearted....
Yes you are correct this is why you know the guidelines like the back of your hand and Medicare rules as well as transmittals and dates they go into effect. Be prepared to back up everything you say. If I could do this type of work every day I definitely would!