Wiki Wound closer open fracture


Billings, MT
Best answers
Got a question. There is an ER physician that did an closed reduction on an open dislocation. The coders in the ER are billing 26770 for the closed reduction of an open dislocation to an interphalangeal joint. They are also trying to bill 12001 for the closure of the wound. They are bundled it appears and I'm being asked by the insurance billers to take a look at it, but I have little experiance with ortho coding.

Is the closure included in the reduction. I can't find anything stating that is but that is my assumption. I see a note in the CPT book about being able to bill for debridement of dislocations and fractures. As far as I can tell this was a clean dislocation. He reduced the dislocation and sewed him up.

(or should this be coded as an open reduction? I understand the doctor has to surgically open him up but would that be the right answer?)

Thanks in advance!
yes all closure except complex is included in the global package and this looks like a simple repair i would also stick with the 26670 as the doctor did not make an incision.
hope this helps
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