Wiki Wound exploration


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
I am not sure how yo code this procedure , any suggestions ?

Specimen :Abdominal wound skin
Findings :Small piece of packing at base of wound

Anesthesia was induced without incident. The patient abdomen was prepped with Betadine and dressed in standard sterile fashion. . Following a final time out, a 6 cm incision was done in the site of the abdomen which was chronically draining . . Purulent drainage was visualized and this was sampled and sent for culture and gram stain. . The wound extended lateral to the left with a tunneling of about 3 cm, decision was to unroof the proximal edge to facilate wound vac placement . The cavity was about 6x2x2 cm in assize . This was irrigated copiously and the skin was then cleaned and dried and the wound vac was placed after 125mm HG suction .

if anyone can help , thanks for your time