Wiki wound exploration


Iron Station, NC
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:confused:The physician has done a couple I&Ds on a sebaceous cyst of the back. She then took the pt to the or for wound exploration and excision. I would really like to use 20102 for this because it describes the procedure perfectly. Exceptfor the part that says "penetrating wound". I read the section guidelines and that first sentence is what is throwing me off. Does anyone know if I can use this code in this situation or know of another more appropriate way to code it?

Thanks for the advice.
Did he/she, by chance, do a biopsy? If so, I was looking at 21920/29125.

I wouldn't use 20102. Per the AMA, this code is reserved for traumatic wounds.
That is what was throwing me off. There was no biopsy and it wasn't traumatic. I can't find a good code that explains what was done. I hate using unlisted codes.
You indicate "wound exploration and excision" - excision of what? Do you have more details? I was leaning toward the debridement or excision codes.

Julie, CPC