Wiki XenMatrix Mesh


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We had a large abdominal abscess due to mesh that was implanted. We removed the mesh so I'm looking at code 20680 for that as it was not necrotizing, and we also did a SBR, so code for that is 44120. There was associated phlegmonous tissue of the anterior abdominal bowel wall that was resected and then the resultant tissue defect meansured 10 cm in length by 8 cm in width. The anterior abdominal wall was reconstructed using XenMatrix mesh. It was sutrued behind the anterior abdominal wall wherre possible such that it was an inlay repaired technique. On the left lateral edge there was a more minimal inlay of perhaps 2cm due to the anatomy of the defect. The fascial edges were then secured iwht the interrupted sutures of 0 Maxon to the anterior surgace of the mesh. A wound vac was then applied.

What code would I use for the XenMatrix?
Any help is appreciated.