Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Find the Correct Comparison Code for This Scenario

Question: My ob-gyn had a woman with 15-16 week fetal demise in the left nondominant uterine horn (bicornuate uterus). The procedures are:

Explo laparotomy, left uterine horn resection w/removal of fetal demise.

She failed induction, so the surgery was performed.

I’ve looked at every possible code, but nothing fits except possibly 58540, but that’s not quite it either. Plus, with removal of the fetal demise and resection, I just don’t know. What should I do?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: The work is more closely akin to code 59136 (Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; interstitial, uterine pregnancy with partial resection of uterus). You should report the unlisted code 59899 (Unlisted procedure, maternity care and delivery) and compare the work to this code.