Wiki What do you want to see at HEALTHCON 2016??

Pam Warren

True Blue
Rye, NH
Best answers
Even though registration hasn't quite begun....many of us are starting to think about HealthCon 2016. I'm hoping to hear what kinds of breakout sessions you are interested in? For those of you working in a facility setting....what sessions would be of interest to you? What kind of training/information is most helpful?

Thanks in advance for your input.
I would like to see something dealing with CDI.
Some in depth documentation standards. Not the run of the mill "you need 2 for this and 8 for that" but something more advanced.
With the advent of ehr's cloned and canned records and entries are becoming the norm and it's getting harder and harder to move the physicians away from those sort of shortcuts. I am continually hearing from physicians these days that they spend 25% of their time practicing medicine and 75% of their time documenting. They are looking for shortcuts anywhere and everywhere. Some quality CDI training may help a lot of people. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks Pam
Molecular Diagnostics!

This needs more attention as the industry around it ramps up significantly. It's a niche, for sure, but one worth exploring. So many ongoing issues surrounding the codes and billing. For those of us in it, it feels very isolated at times.:D
JRustan, can you be more specific? "This" needs more attention...Did you mean Peter's suggestion for CDI, or something else? Thanks! Pam
A session on genetics counseling or one that really delves into the MDM component of E/M coding would be of interest. Please also consider bringing back the "tiered" learning so there are beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions.
trarut, I agree on the 'tiered' learning. I attend our EHR User's Group meeting (NextGen), and all sessions are identified as either Level I, II or III, by difficulty/experience. Not sure what criteria we'd use to identify that; since all potential speakers are expected to indicate the level of training they are submitting--it's rather subjective. But it's a great idea and I will bring it up.
Healthcon 2016

Hi Pam,

I like the idea of the indicating the type of session: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

These are a new area for me and would like to see Urology and GYN procedures.

Thanks for asking for our suggestions. I know I am looking forward to Healthcon 2016. See you in Orlando.
Allergy -serum/ icd-10

I would love to see more Allergy, specifically venom billing for patients who have allergy shots!

•"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein~
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CDI for Provider offices and Impact of ICD-10-CM on Risk Adjustment

I'm really looking for a physician based CDI training. Providers are notorious for copy & pasting or lack of documentation for paper providers. It would be helpful to have guidance as to what to look for (conditions, lab values, medications, etc.) to then prompt a query. BTW - I paid >$4000 to go to an AHIMA Inpatient and Outpatient CDI training and it was a waste of my time and money since about 85% of it was focused on inpatient.Yes, I did take AAPC's online CDI course which was good, but really short. I'd love to see an expanded course and AAPC Provider/Outpatient CDI certification, in the future.
Also, it would be helpful to have an "advanced" risk adjustment session that discusses the impact of ICD-10-CM.
I would love to see Anesthesia/Pain Management!! It's hard to find anything anesthesia specific, even webinars and workshops!
What I want to see at Healthcon 2016

I find it happens every year that there are several sessions that I would like to attend but the breakout sessions are all scheduled for the same session. If it is possible to repeat sessions on different days so there are more than one option to attend would be greatly appreciated. I would like to see a more in depth session on E/M leveling. Also, I work for a Pulmonary practice and would like to see a session geared to my specialty including allergy and immunology. I attended one session in the past that was specific to my specialty and it was excellent. I think that will be the case for most specialties. Sessions that are specific to their practices and day to day work will probably be what coders are looking to have for 2016. I am looking forward to the conference next year.

Loren Anderson, CPC
Las Vegas Chapter
Las Vegas Nevada Member Development Officer 2016
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Future topic

I would like to see something regarding copy and paste situations coders may come across when billing for follow ups in the office and subsequent visits in the hospital. What are the documentation rules? What can MA's do for the doctors? How can we stop the doctors from doing this and to document what they did on Day 3 of the subsequent hospital visit instead of it looking like everything that was done on Day 1? How does one audit this to find out what is really going on?
I would like to see something regarding copy and paste situations coders may come across when billing for follow ups in the office and subsequent visits in the hospital. What are the documentation rules? What can MA's do for the doctors? How can we stop the doctors from doing this and to document what they did on Day 3 of the subsequent hospital visit instead of it looking like everything that was done on Day 1? How does one audit this to find out what is really going on?

I would like to see something also about correct documentation using an EMR!! I have providers who copy and paste their HPI's, the PFSH, etc. Also the correct use of templates for medical necessity. Along with the copy and paste of the HPI and PFSH, my providers just click on the same complete ROS template and the same comprehensive exam template for each patient visit - whether they are new, established for a one year follow-up, or a 2 week follow-up to go over test results and very rarely make a change to these standard templates. I have gone round and round to try and get them to correct the documentation based on that patient's CC, however it is just too easy for them to click and populate, then to go back to manual documentation! A session on how to teach doctors not to abuse an EMR would be great!!
HealthCon 2016

I would really be interested in a break out session regarding the surgery aspect of Head and Neck surgeons. This field is vastly expanding. I would like to network with others in the specialty.
Cloning? Copy and paste?

As a compliance guy, I cringe when I see this for ROS and PFSH sections of notes - anything on this topic possible?
insurance, insurance, insurance!

With the newer software, many of us coders are having to also be billers. At times, I find myself lost in the worlds of Medicare and Medicaid. Would love to hear some presentations on those, please.
Lance, I'm going to be doing a presentation on auditing in the EHR.....I discuss this in detail.....
Opioid addiction/dependency is a big problem in our country. A class on treatment possibilities and/or negotiating contracts with insurances that do not cover substance abuse/dependence.

Addiction Medicine is a fairly new specialty and somewhat goes hand in hand with pain management.
Risk Adjust/HCC ICD-10 Coding

I would like to see further information on Risk Adjust (RAF) and HCC ICD-10 Coding. Tips on how to educate providers on the importance of documentation to support HCC assignments. How the HCC payment model reflects reimbursement/revenue.
I would love some information on HEDIS coding! I am fairly new to this type of billing and seem to get conflicting information, like do the dx codes matter when reporting category II codes for HEDIS measures, etc?
I am not able to attend HealthCon but am very interested in your Auditing and EHR presentation. Any chance it will be offered as an on-demand webinar?
Oral and Maxillary facial surgery

we would love to see a oral maxillary facial surgery break out, there are so many sessions that pertain to us, but hard to get to them all
Practice Management

I would like there to be more specific breakouts for practice management such as general HR overviews and updates, practice marketing, financial analysis and budgeting, etc.

Thank you,